Anna Heydel (*1982, Guayaquil/Ecuador) is a visual artist whose works are based on experimenting with photography. She mainly works on the project ° visionicum ° (previously ° The Blind Spot °), in which she combines visual elements with Braille, the scripture of the blind. These photographic studies enable (her) to intervene concretely into the shaping of reality, to extend her sight and vision into space. Photography, projections, objects, sculptures and mixed-media installations are the processes she uses to create her works.
After studying Political Sciences at the University of Marburg Anna Heydel worked as an editor at the Frankfurter Rundschau, a german national newspaper, and as a Project Manager at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, organizing the Summer Academy. During this program she participated in numerous workshops with photographers, curators and theorists. At the same time she began to intensify her work as a freelance photo artist.
Throughout the past years her work has been shown nationally and internationally on different occasions, such as the Shortfilmfestival Subrise, Naxoshalle, Frankfurt/Main; Portfoliowalk DFA (Deutsche Fotografische Akademie) at the Haus der Photographie/Deichtorhallen Hamburg; Galleria Temporary Storing, Fondazione per l’arte Bartoli Felter, Cagliari/Sardinia; Nuovo Panificio, Cagliari/Sardinia; Kolga Award Exhibition 2016, Le Khaindrao Production, Tbilisi/Georgia; Contemporary – Festival di musica e arte d’avanguardia, Donori/Sardinia; RAW Phototriennale Worpswede, Galerie Altes Rathaus; Art and Project Space Haus6; Galerie Mimis Erbe, Worpswede, KW/Randlage, Worpswede/Bremen.
Anna Heydel currently lives and works in Worpswede.
Solo Exhibitions
AllThatSpace, Installation, Raum2 Galerie KW/Randlage, Worpswede
MinusMinusPlus / o.T. / Aufhebung, ArtSpace Markthalle 8 Galerie KW/Randlage, Bremen
Throwing An Eye On #3 : The Barn, Photographic Installation, A barn, Kuhstedt/Bremen
Throwing An Eye On #1, Photographic Exhibition, POLL, Cagliari/Sardinia
Esco Solo Quando C’è Vento (I Only Go Out When It Winds), POLL, Cagliari/Sardinia
Sperimentazione Ritrattesca, Interactive event about the experimental photographic portrait, POLL, Cagliari/Sardinia
The Blind Spot #2, POLL, Cagliari/Sardinia
The Blind Spot #1, Installation in public space, Parco Molentargius, Cagliari/Sardinia
Space Tales – Tagliando Spazio, Installation Photocollage, Nuovo Panificio, Cagliari/Sardinia
Lost Alphabet, Photographic Installation, Nuovo Panificio, Cagliari/Sardinia
Group Exhibitions
MinusMinusPlus, Art Festival Über:Windungen, Galerie Altes Rathaus, Worpswede
MinusMinusPlus / AllThatSpace / BlitzRissSpalt, Group Exhibition BERGEN, Galerie Mimis Erbe, Worpswede
Etwas Heiliges, Kleinodien & Preziosen, Winter Exhibition, Galerie Mimis Erbe, Worpswede
Und endlich / o.T. / o.T. (three installations), Worpsweder Werkschau, Kunst an der Hamme, Hammehafen Worpswede
Aufhebung, Summer Exhibition, Galerie Mimis Erbe, Worpswede
Open Studios, Art and Project Space Haus6, Worpswede
MinusMinusPlus, Duo-Exhibition with Marie S. Ueltzen, ArtSpace Berg&Tal Galerie KW/Randlage, curated by Volker Schwennen and Tatjana Rettig, Bistro Berg&Tal, Worpswede
Throwing An Eye On #6 / o.T. / Beben, Haus6 zu Gast in der Galerie Altes Rathaus, Galerie Altes Rathaus, Worpswede
MinusMinusPlus, Haus 6 Group Exhibition, Art and Project Space Haus6, Worpswede
Throwing An Eye On #1-7 & Throwing An Eye On #3, Haus6 Group Exhibition, Open Studios, Art and Project Space Haus6, Worpswede
The Unstory Told, RAW Phototriennale Worpswede, nwwk – Neuer Worpsweder Kunstverein e.V. and Galerie Altes Rathaus, Worpswede
Throwing An Eye On #3 : Donori, Photographic Installation, Contemporary – Festival di musica e arte d’avanguardia, Residency and Exhibition, Donori/Sardinia
Lost Alphabet, Presentation in the category Shortlist, Kolga Award Exhibition 2016, Le Khaindrao Production, Tbilisi/Georgia
The Colour Of Escaping Dogs, Experimental music and photoperformance, Multiversal EXP-OFF, Festival for electronic music, Nuovo Panificio, Cagliari/Sardinia
La risposta a una domanda non fatta ( engl. The answer to an unposed question), Presentation Final work, Group exhibition Laboratorio 2015 of the study year 2014/2015 of Man Ray Photo School, Temporary Storing, Fondazione per l’arte Bartoli Felter, Cagliari/Sardinia
The Colour Of Escaping Dogs, Experimental music and photoperformance, Contemporary – Festival di musica e arte d’avanguardia, Donori/Sardinia
The Colour Of Escaping Dogs, Experimental music and photoperformance, Psyche Time, Nuovo Panificio, Cagliari/Sardinia
The Colour Of Escaping Dogs, Experimental music and photoperformance, Current, Nuovo Panificio, Cagliari/Sardinia
Participation at Portfoliowalk of the Deutsche Fotografische Akademie (DFA), Annual meeting DFA, Haus der Photographie/Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Deframing Light, Videoinstallation, Frame exhibition at the Shortfilmfestival Subrise, Naxoshalle, Frankfurt/Main
Presentation Photobook and Roominstallation, Group exhibition Freie Gallerie, Cultural festival Spielraum, Waggonhallen Marburg
Presentation Photosculpture, Group exhibition Tryptychon, Cultural festival Spielraum, Waggonhallen Marburg
Lost Alphabet, Shortlist Category Conceptual, Kolga Tbilisi Photo Contest, Tbilisi/Georgia
The Blind Spot, in: Dodho Magazine, Online Publication, Barcelona
Lost Alphabet, in: Exhibition catalog Kolga Tbilisi Photo, Photohouse Kolga, 2016
Metti Un Nido In Cittadella, Catalog (contribution) for the exhibition of the sardinian artist Wanda Nazzari, IGES, Quartu Sant’Elena/Sardinia, 2015
Shining, Photo object, Self publishing, Cagliari/Sardinia 2015
Forgettory, Photo object, Self publishing, Cagliari/Sardinia, 2015