Visionicum (since 2016)

As visual artist Anna Heydel primarily works with photography, as well as with projections, objects, sculptures and installations. Visionicum is a project in which she thinks and unites all working methods.
The projects name describes the development of a visual language, which arises from the combination of Braille, the writing of the blind, and visual elements. All the works are based on words in Braille, which are synonyms of the german Verb to see. They permeate, transform and alienate reality in various ways in the images, objects and installations. In this way, the process of visual perception, which consists of seeing and not seeing, becomes a creative element with which she actively intervenes in her environment.
Anna Heydel sees herself as a researcher and her work allows her to change the existing structure of the present with the help of a quasi-magical eye. By removing the Braille from its intended task, she gives it a new one: with it she metaphorically extends her eye into space and visually changes the (chemical) composition of reality.
Visionicum is an artistic research work, a visionary-chemical movement that changes and disrupts the present world and proposes to extend the vision into the seemingly impossible where the possible fails.